Nineteen-year-old Ari (Alex Dimitriades) walks out of a Greek wedding in Melbourne. He is young, handsome, unemployed and bisexual, alienated from just about everything. His father (Tony Nikolakopoulos) calls him an animal, his mother (Eugenia Fragos) pleads with him not to leave home. Ari's closest friend Johnny (Paul Capsis) is open about his cross-dressing, but Ari can't face the ostracism and derision that would follow coming out. Instead he seeks short-term ecstasy in large amounts of drugs and anonymous sex in seedy alleys and public toilets. The movie follows him and his friends through 24 hours of excess -- from a family party where he almost has sex with his best friend Betty (Elena Mandalis), to a Greek nightclub where Johnny arrives dressed as his mother, calling himself Toula; to a gay nightclub where he meets up with Sean (Julian Garner), an Anglo man he fancies. In the morning he stands on the docks at Williamstown, where thousands of Greek migrants first set foot in Australia. He dances a Greek dance, alone and still defiant.