The story begins when bearded Jack (Malcolm Moorman) picks up a young desert hitchhiker. Closeted gay detective Ray Vates (Noel Palomaria) hangs out at a bar where his ex, Doug (Arron Zeffron), is the bartender. As a rookie, Ray gets a razzing from other cops, so he doesn't discuss his gay way of life. Meanwhile, with bodies of various hitchhikers surfacing, Ray and his partner Ellis (Charles Lanyer) investigate. Ray's encounter with Jack doesn't go well since Ray is seduced by Jack who confesses to the killings but then leaves him handcuffed to his own bed. Ray becomes a prime suspect after finding his missing badge from one of the victims so to clean his name he must reveal his truth. Homophobic reactions from the other cops (except his partner) eliminate any possibility of police back-up during the final horrific showdown at an abandoned theater.
22 August 2008
Hard (1998)
The story begins when bearded Jack (Malcolm Moorman) picks up a young desert hitchhiker. Closeted gay detective Ray Vates (Noel Palomaria) hangs out at a bar where his ex, Doug (Arron Zeffron), is the bartender. As a rookie, Ray gets a razzing from other cops, so he doesn't discuss his gay way of life. Meanwhile, with bodies of various hitchhikers surfacing, Ray and his partner Ellis (Charles Lanyer) investigate. Ray's encounter with Jack doesn't go well since Ray is seduced by Jack who confesses to the killings but then leaves him handcuffed to his own bed. Ray becomes a prime suspect after finding his missing badge from one of the victims so to clean his name he must reveal his truth. Homophobic reactions from the other cops (except his partner) eliminate any possibility of police back-up during the final horrific showdown at an abandoned theater.