In this Southern gothic drama, Griffith (Dan Montgomery) has lived all his life in the poor Mississippi community of Pine Apple. Whilst Griffith wants to move on and try to make something of his life, he is stranded by his responsibilities to his crippled Aunt Summer (Karen Black) and his affair with his cousin Emily (Aleksa Palladino). A man from out of town (Walton Goggins) arrives and rents a cabin from Griffith and soon they find themselves attracted to one another...
17 November 2008
Red Dirt (2000)
In this Southern gothic drama, Griffith (Dan Montgomery) has lived all his life in the poor Mississippi community of Pine Apple. Whilst Griffith wants to move on and try to make something of his life, he is stranded by his responsibilities to his crippled Aunt Summer (Karen Black) and his affair with his cousin Emily (Aleksa Palladino). A man from out of town (Walton Goggins) arrives and rents a cabin from Griffith and soon they find themselves attracted to one another...