This is a charming story about Craig (Steve Bell), a baby-faced bare-knuckles fighter from the streets of Blackpool, England, and his casual lover, Matt (Ian Rose), a worldly music promoter visiting from London. Their out-of-the-blues romance has prompted Paula (Dani Behr) and Kelvin (Roger Daltrey) to put their relationship to jeopardy. Paula is so jealous that Matt is head-over-hills in love with Craig whilst Kelvin is afraid that Matt won't be able to provide his usual assistance on his business affairs.
26 August 2008
Like It Is (1998)
This is a charming story about Craig (Steve Bell), a baby-faced bare-knuckles fighter from the streets of Blackpool, England, and his casual lover, Matt (Ian Rose), a worldly music promoter visiting from London. Their out-of-the-blues romance has prompted Paula (Dani Behr) and Kelvin (Roger Daltrey) to put their relationship to jeopardy. Paula is so jealous that Matt is head-over-hills in love with Craig whilst Kelvin is afraid that Matt won't be able to provide his usual assistance on his business affairs.