This is a romantic comedy that follows the lives of a group of gay friends in West Hollywood. Among the group is Dennis (Timothy Olyphant), a photographer who often holds the group together; Cole (Dean Cain) a handsome, charismatic actor who - often unwittingly - ends up with other people's boyfriends; Benji (Zach Braff), the youngest member of the group, with a penchant for gym-bodied men, who finds himself going through some bad times; Howie (Matt McGrath), a psychology student who is known for over thinking every situation; Patrick (Ben Weber), the cynic of the group; Taylor (Billy Porter), who has long boasted about his long-term relationship, which has just come crashing to an end; and the group's newest member, teenage Kevin (Andrew Keegan) who attempts to fit in...
26 December 2008
The Broken Hearts Club (2000)
This is a romantic comedy that follows the lives of a group of gay friends in West Hollywood. Among the group is Dennis (Timothy Olyphant), a photographer who often holds the group together; Cole (Dean Cain) a handsome, charismatic actor who - often unwittingly - ends up with other people's boyfriends; Benji (Zach Braff), the youngest member of the group, with a penchant for gym-bodied men, who finds himself going through some bad times; Howie (Matt McGrath), a psychology student who is known for over thinking every situation; Patrick (Ben Weber), the cynic of the group; Taylor (Billy Porter), who has long boasted about his long-term relationship, which has just come crashing to an end; and the group's newest member, teenage Kevin (Andrew Keegan) who attempts to fit in...