In Kampvuur, the narrative short film follows a scout camping trip during which Tijl (Joram Schurmans), a teen boy that lacks self- confidence, abandons his girlfriend Ineke (Circé Lethem) for a brief fling with his best mate Wout (Koen Van Heule). There's an almost painful sense of longing as Tijl tries to figure out what's going on inside of him -- yet the real problem is that he knows fully well and doesn't want to act on it. This feature is beautifully filmed with an almost hyper-real sense of nature and teen sexual yearning.
In Particularly now, in Spring, a group of young athletes gathered together for their usual sporting activity whilst Olaf (Olaf Nollen) narrates the day (in English), talking about his goal to become a big-time first and foremost as well as his enjoyment of the camaraderie between physically active teen boys. His innocent desire is palpable but wonderfully understated. The film is in black & white.
In Matroos, teenager Joram Roodhooft (Joram Schurmans) dreams about sailor Tom de With (Tom de With), imagining his adventures around the world. The vividly colourful images are surreal and magical, whilst the actors convey fairly profound emotion without ever saying a word. This is a silent film in colour.
In Saint, black and white photography is used again and another silent film that tells about the trial and execution of St Sebastian (Olaf Nollen), known as the patron saint of homosexuals. Stunning imagery combines with a simple story to build real suspense -- and an uncanny level of eroticism -- as Sebastian is led through the woods, tied to a tree and then targeted by the Roman army's archers.