The story about Matt, a teenage boy living a seemingly ordinary life in London, but inspired by the English gay playwright Joe Orton, he begins to realise just how different his world could be. It is a coming-of-age story that doesn’t hide from sexuality but confronts it directly, aiming to create a realistic but poetic representation of discovery. It is a contemporary drama about being young, feeling different, and wanting more...
01 December 2008
No Ordinary Joe (2005)
The story about Matt, a teenage boy living a seemingly ordinary life in London, but inspired by the English gay playwright Joe Orton, he begins to realise just how different his world could be. It is a coming-of-age story that doesn’t hide from sexuality but confronts it directly, aiming to create a realistic but poetic representation of discovery. It is a contemporary drama about being young, feeling different, and wanting more...
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