The traditional crime thriller gets a modern twist with this sequel to Third Man Out following the further adventures of gay detective Donald Strachey (Chad Allen). Hard boiled private investigator Donald Strachey has just found the lifeless body of his latest client, and now in order to catch the killer he'll be forced to rely on his straight-laced husband Tim and overenthusiastic assistant Kenny. As the investigation leads Strachey straight into Dr. Trevor Cornell's dark world of "conversion therapy,' where psychology and religion combine with the singular goal of turning average everyday homosexuals "straight," the stage is set for a climactic showdown with more than a few surprising twists and turns.
26 December 2008
Shock to the System (2006)
The traditional crime thriller gets a modern twist with this sequel to Third Man Out following the further adventures of gay detective Donald Strachey (Chad Allen). Hard boiled private investigator Donald Strachey has just found the lifeless body of his latest client, and now in order to catch the killer he'll be forced to rely on his straight-laced husband Tim and overenthusiastic assistant Kenny. As the investigation leads Strachey straight into Dr. Trevor Cornell's dark world of "conversion therapy,' where psychology and religion combine with the singular goal of turning average everyday homosexuals "straight," the stage is set for a climactic showdown with more than a few surprising twists and turns.
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