Set in the working-class of San Pedro area in Los Angeles, the film centers on Zach (Trevor Wright), a handsome multi-talented confused young man torn between his family and his own life. As if he has no other choice, Zach tries to just be contented with the people around him -- his selfish sister Jeanne (Tina Holmes), his best friend Gabe (Ross Thomas), his girlfriend Tori (Katie Walder), and his 5-year-old nephew Cody (Jackson Wurth) whom he cares about so much. Everything changes when Shaun (Brad Rowe), a confident writer who happens to be his best friend's older brother enters his life; Zach discovers what his real passion is all about. Is he ready to give up his family over his newfound love?
29 August 2008
Shelter (2007)
Set in the working-class of San Pedro area in Los Angeles, the film centers on Zach (Trevor Wright), a handsome multi-talented confused young man torn between his family and his own life. As if he has no other choice, Zach tries to just be contented with the people around him -- his selfish sister Jeanne (Tina Holmes), his best friend Gabe (Ross Thomas), his girlfriend Tori (Katie Walder), and his 5-year-old nephew Cody (Jackson Wurth) whom he cares about so much. Everything changes when Shaun (Brad Rowe), a confident writer who happens to be his best friend's older brother enters his life; Zach discovers what his real passion is all about. Is he ready to give up his family over his newfound love?